China will be holding for the first time a FISAE EX LIBRIS CONGRESS.

The Congress will take place at Beijing, 14-17 October 2008, at the International Museum of China Millennium Monument, the finest art museum in Beijing.

The exhibitions include the “Retrospective Exhibition of Chinese Exlibris Treasures” and the “International Exlibris Exhibition of World Famous Artists” – both of which are supported by the Chinese Government.

An International Competition for Ex Libris Artists has been launched and the works chosen by the Jury will be exhibited during the Congress.

The modern ex libris movement, which begun as part of an European cultural manifestation linked to the love of books and the development of the printing arts, moved to the New World, spread to Japan in the late XIXth century, rechead the Middle East (Turkey) and has finally "returned" to China - where paper was invented and the printing arts were born centuries ago.

Ex libris collecting and the love of books has built a bridge between different Cultures, which have so often lived ignoring each other, except among a few enlightened.

The Ex Libris international movement is a powerful way to gather and unite people with a common passion, beyond, political, social religious or cultural differences.

This was the aim of the founders of FISAE, after WWII. Their wishes have seemingly fruitified!

Let's hope for a reasonable attendance of Western bookplate lovers at the Beijing Congress, despite the distance that separate Europe, the Americas and Austrlia from China.
Our best wishes for the Congress organizers and the Chinese bookplate lovers.